EDOC Standard
Enterprise Distributed Object Computing
The Standard
The EDOC profile of UML was adopted by the OMG as the standard for modeling enterprise systems. It is the modeling standard for Internet computing - providing for model driven development of enterprise systems based on the "Model Driven Architecture" (OMG-MDA).
What is EDOC?
EDOC is the modeling framework for Internet computing, integrating web services, messaging, ebXML, .NET and other technologies under a common technology-independent model. Please see our EDOC Vision and Summary, extracted from the specification.
DAT participated with CBOP, EDS, IBM, Fujitsu, Iona Technologies, Open-IT, Sun Microsystems, Hitachi, SINTEF, and Netaccounts to create this standard.
Standards Alignment
EDOC is aligned with ebXML and the OMG-EAI specification. Standard mappings have also been produced for WSDL, J2EE and other technologies.
EDOC Documents
* Part One - Standard with errata applied (.DOC, PDF)
* Part Two - Helpful examples and proof of concept (.DOC, PDF)
* Part one and Two in a ZIP File (DOC-ZIP, PDF-ZIP)
* EDOC Presentation given to the OMG-ADTF (PPT)
* EDOC Presentation for enterprise architects and CIOs (PPT)
* Presentation given to the OMG Web Services Workshop on EDOC-CCA as the high-level specification language for web services, ebXML, .NET and related technologies - includes ebXML and EDOC summary (PPT)
* EDOC-CCA subset with example (.DOC, PDF) (See below)
The Component Collaboration Architecture (CCA)
The CCA forms the architectural and modeling foundation for EDOC. CCA provides the base modeling concepts and notation that are required to support enterprise computing using XML, Web Services, ebXML, .NET, EJB, Corba and other middleware technologies.
CCA is the "normal form" for open enterprise computing, which includes B2B, B2C, EAI, Supply chain and customer support applications. Using the MDA concepts, CCA tools can generate WSDL, ebXML-Business Process Specifications and other technology artifacts.
CCA may be used independently of the other parts of EDOC for these purposes. For this reason the CCA portion of EDOC has been extracted, combined with an example and is available as an independent document.
* EDOC-CCA subset with example (.DOC, PDF)
DAT is a recognized expert on EDOC and can help the enterprise apply this standard to improve collaboration within and between enterprises with architecture, modeling, tooling training and implementation. Component-X provides tool support for EDOC.