Date |
Event |
Model Driven Solutions Participation |
30 April - 1 May |
On Thursday, 1 May, Cory Casanave will be giving a presentation on "Model Driven Solutions for SOA and the OSERA Knowledgebase" |
21-25 April |
10-14 March Completed |
28 January - I February Completed |
10-14 December Completed |
OMG Technical Conference in Burlingame, CA |
Cory Casanave, Ed Seidewitz and Jim Logan will be participating in numerous Standards Development efforts |
22-26 October Completed |
1-2 October Completed |
Cory Casanave is presenting "Model-Driven SOA at GSA" |
24-28 September Completed |
Cory Casanave, Ed Seidewitz and Jim Logan will be participating in numerous Standards Development efforts |
23-27 July Completed |
13 July Completed |
25-29 June Completed |
Cory Casanave and Ed Seidewitz will be participating in numerous Standards Development efforts |
18-19 June Completed |
1-2 May Completed |
Ed Seidewitz is presenting a half day tutorial on "Model Drive SOA" - with the emphasis on the "A" in SOA |
23-27 April Completed |
26-30 March Completed |
Cory Casanave and Ed Seidewitz will be participating in numerous Standards Development efforts |
29 January - 2 February Completed |